This 3.5-hour course prepares trainers to present effective educational programs regarding occupational exposure to Tuberculosis and other airborne pathogens, including COVID-19. Content equips trainers to meet or exceed the OSHA training requirements being enforced under the General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the OSH Act of 1970.
Upcoming Classes:
The program is primarily intended for emergency service applications: emergency medical services, fire/rescue, law enforcement, security, and workplace first aid & medical teams. It is also valuable for medical offices, nursing homes, correctional centers, long-term care centers, homeless shelters, drug treatment centers, and similar settings.
Chip Darius has presented this course in multiple states since 1999, updating and refining the materials to reflect the latest OSHA requirements, CDC recommendations, and industry leading practices. Course content includes:
- OSHA regulations: 1910.134, 1910.1020, 1910 subparts I and Z
- OSHA enforcement policies and practices
- Guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
- Federal OSHA and state-approved OSHA plans
- Recommendations from the National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health
- Ties to NFPA 1500, Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety & Health Program
- Engineering controls, work practices, personal protective equipment
- TB and airborne diseases: signs/symptoms, epidemiology, transmission, susceptibility
- Hazard assessments required under CDC guidelines
- Tuberculin Skin Testing (TST) programs
- Respiratory protection requirements
- Managing exposure events
- Trainer's knowledge requirements
- Liability management principles for agencies, trainers, and individuals
- Ryan White Act effect on emergency response employees
- Medical recordkeeping requirements
- Training recordkeeping requirements
- Techniques for accelerated learning in initial and refresher programs
- Protections for employees/volunteers under age 18
- BCG vaccination, chest x-rays and routine testing
- Applying these regulations in pandemic or mass-vaccination situations
- COVID-19 and OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard
Each participant receives an updated Trainer’s Kit filled with information, including:
- Scripted easy-to-use presentation notes tied to PowerPoint slides
- Applicable OSHA regulations and CDC Guidelines
- Handout masters
- Quiz master and correction key
- Certificate master
- Training record forms
- Cleaning & disinfection record forms
- Exposure report forms
The course is updated regularly with the latest relevant statistics – national, state, county, and major city. Trainers' frequently asked questions are addressed in the program, and specific questions from participants are welcome.
Following the course, the instructor is available by e-mail and toll-free telephone for answers to those tough follow-up questions.
Successful participants receive a color Certificate of Completion recognizing their professional accomplishment.